27.09.2022 Final conference
Today we had a great opportunity to organize conference summarizing our project. The conference was addressed primarily to young people and people working with youth. Its aim was, on the one hand, to familiarize the participants with the assumptions of the implemented project, and on the other hand, to familiarize them with the tools, techniques and methods of self-management in time, which can be transferred to school and used by young people for more effective planning and organizing both learning and free time .
During the conference, a lecture was held on the most popular methods and tools for time management (e.g. applications for organizing learning, applications blocking the main distracting stimuli during learning), as well as practical workshops on how to use these methods and tools in everyday life. life.
We organized an international networking session for teachers and youth workers with representatives from schools, universities and NGOs from various countries.
26.09.2022 - Last partners meeting
A day before final conference, ending our project, we had opportunity to meet in person!
It was real pleasure to talk about the project, about so far cooperation, and to plan next activities

19.04.2022 Activity meeting
As the work is in progress, partners have met once more so that to discuss about main issues important for proper and high quality of their work.

17.02.2022 Activity meeting
Again, partners used the MS Teams so that to have quick activity meeting, during which discussed about ongoing project issues.

03.12.2022 Next partners meeting
During next meeting, partners had opportunity to discuss about ongoing project issues and plan further steps (including face to face meeting)

05.10.2021 Next project activity meeting
We have held this meeting online and it was opportunity to discuss about work done so far under the project, as well as to discuss about next planned activities
18.06.2021 EZA seminar
We have had a great opportunity to promote our project during EZA seminar organized in Slovakia by NKOS
17.06.2021 Activity meeting
During the meeting partner had opportunity to discuss about current state of work under the project, as well as to plan further steps. Meeting was held online.
Kick-off meeting
It was the first meeting of project parstens. Due to pandemic situation, meeting was held through MS Teams platform.
During the meeting partners have opportunity to disuss main issues connected with implementation of the project, as well as plan future activities.