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O1 - Time and self management for youth

The first result developed under the project is a course aimed at young people, mainly first-year students, who start their education at a university.


The time of distance learning at universities have shown that students (especially in the first years) have considerable problems with independent planning of a long-term learning process. While conducting remote learning, we have noticed that they do not submit their assignments on time, do not regularly participate in classes and consultations, are not prepared for exams, and have problems meeting the deadlines. Perhaps this is due to the fact that they do not simply care about college. However, after conducting surveys (WSPA) and consultations (Universities from Cyprus and Germany), it turned out that the vast majority of the observed problems result from the lack of organizational skills among young people.


Young students are not able to plan their studies, set goals and set realistic deadlines, they are not able to break down work into smaller stages, work systematically according to a set plan. All this results in chaos while learning, accumulation of duties, a feeling of being overwhelmed with the accumulated amount of things to do, failure to meet deadlines, worsening of academic performance, as well as frustration and a decrease in motivation.


This is especially visible and noticeable among first-year students who come from secondary schools where teachers or parents supervise their learning process to a greater extent. At the university, they are suddenly expected to be more independent, and they are not always able to do it. That is why the course is being prepared for them in the first place. Which of course does not mean that only they will be able to use it.

The course is prepared in such a way that it can be used both by students of older years of studies and pupils from secondary schools.

The course covers areas related to issues about how to plan the process of independent learning, no matter in what type of school.


The course consists of generally available elements, but the innovative thing is that they are collected in one place and translated from business language (most methods and tools for managing oneself in time are aimed at working people) into a language that is understandable and attractive to young people. The materials contains practical information and examples, presented in a way that is accessible to young people.


The course is available as an online course, enriched with graphics, interactive elements and links to video materials. The course is available on the project website and on the websites of partner organizations. Link will be also distributed among students of partner organizations and young people cooperating with partner NGOs.


Developed course consist 4 modules.
Module I : Why time management is important for me?  

Total module course materials, introduction presentation,
Topic 1.1 – Time management and the benefits from consciously organizing activities 
Topic 1.2 – Counteracting burnout - how to maintain psycho physical balance with a high workload
Topic 1.3 – Self assessment 
Topic 1.4 – Setting goals 
Topic 1.5 – How the approach to time changes in the era of technological acceleration

Self-Assessment Quiz

Module II : Getting in touch with different, practical time management approaches and methods  
Total module course materials, presentation

Topic 2.1 – The Eisenhower Matrix - course materials, presentation
Topic 2.2 – The Work Efficiency Curve - course materials, presentation 
Topic 2.3 – Implementing Timeboxing and the 60/40 Principle using the Alpen Method - course materials, presentation
Topic 2.4 – Parkinson’s Law and the Pareto Principle - course materials, presentation
Topic 2.5 – Agile time management -course materials, presentation

Module III : Management of own time: Distractions and focusing, health and building helpful habits,

Total module course materialsPresentation, 
Topic 3.1 – Overt and hidden time-wasters and how to deal with them 
Topic 3.2 – Learning how  to focus in a distracted world 
Topic 3.3 – Mental health  
Topic 3.4 – Physical health 
Topic 3.5 – How to build helpful habits and why it is important 

Module IV : Supporting applications and tools, self reflection and practical tips - introduction, presentation

Topic 4.1 – Applications and tools supporting planning and time management  
Topic 4.2 – Self reflection
Topic 4.3 – Course summary 


The course is available as an online course, enriched with graphics, interactive elements and video materials. The course is available on the project website and on the websites of partner organizations. Link will be also distributed among students of partner organizations and young people cooperating with partner NGOs.

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This project has been funded with the support from the European Commission (project no 2020-1-PL01-KA226-HE-096055).

This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

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