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O3 - Be supportive


Third project output is dedicated to parents and other people working with young people. These people from surrounding of youth are very important element in the process of gaining and shaping any skills of young pupils and students. Maybe they do not have direct influence on everyday learning of young students and pupils but they can do a lot to support them during gaining organizational skills. They are very important in everyday lives of young pupils and students that is why their role is so big.


With our project we want to reach them and help them to understand their role, as well as give them practical information about what can they really do to support young people. Thanks to our materials they will have chance to really help young people in the process of gaining skills which will be valuable for these young people and help them to effectively organize their life not only during studies but also much later.


Materials are composed of 5 chapters

  • Chapter 1  General info about time and self-management – what it is, what are benefits from planning, where such a planning and organizational skills can be used

  • Chapter 2  Effective tools and methods used to plan and organization of different areas of life

  • Chapter 3  Practical information about what methods can be used by young students to organize their learning process

  • Chapter 4  How to support young students in the process of organizing their learning

  • CHAPTER 5 Success stories about advantages of planning


Materials are available in the form of e-book and can be downloaded from the project website.

Publication is available in 6 language versions









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This project has been funded with the support from the European Commission (project no 2020-1-PL01-KA226-HE-096055).

This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

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