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Main results planned under the project are:


  • report from the research conducted under the project (report will contain information from survey filled by employees of universities from project countries. They will be asked about reasons for their low interest in international activities, as well as about main obstacles they meet if they want to involve in internationalization in their home universities).

  • Publication dedicated to HEIs authorities. Publication will contain conclusions from surveys, comparison of research results from project countries, examples of good practices in motivating employees to participate in international university activities (based on desk research), practical tips and advice on how to motivate employees to participate in internationalization activities of universities and grow internationally on its own.

  • set of training materials dedicated to employees of European HEIs. Content of materials will be result of surveys filled by HEIs staff about reasons and obstacles preventing them from active participation in international activities.

  • one 5-days training for representatives of authorities (or people responsible for recruitment of staff for international activities implemented at HEI)

  • about 10-15 strategies for motivation their employees to be more internationally active

  • at the end of the project it is planned to organize international conference.

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This project has been funded with the support from the European Commission (project no 2020-1-PL01-KA203-081549).

This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

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