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O1 - Research report

First project result was planned as a report gathering data collected in the countries participating in the project. Report contains main information about reasons of low interest of academic staff in participation in international activities carried out at their universities.


International activities were defined very widely – as all activities with international component.

The first activity carried out under preparation of this output was conducting surveys among HEIs employees from the countries participating in the project. After discussion with the consortium, it was decided that the most appropriate survey to use, would be an online survey. Therefore, an online questionnaire was designed by Frederick University and sent to the partners of the consortium for comments and feedback. After discussions among partners, the questionnaire was improved, and sent for a pilot testing to 5 academics of Frederick University. The comments of the participants were then incorporated and the questionnaire was finalized.


The final version of the questionnaire includes mostly closed ended questions to make the tool easier and faster to be answered, but also easier for the data to be analysed and reach to conclusions. In addition, the questionnaire is also giving the option to the respondents for comments in each question allowing them to provide information that could not be captured from the questions. The questionnaire is divided in four (4) sections and includes 16 questions. The first section includes questions about the characteristics of the HEIs and their internationalization strategy. The second section consists of questions about the extent of personal internationalization of the respondent, the definition of internationalization, barriers that prevent internationalization and benefits of internationalization. Finally, there is a question that seeks to capture what would enhance the respondent’s involvement in international activities. The third section includes two questions on COVID-19 and to what extent it has affected the internationalization agenda of the respondent, and the last section consists of questions on demographic characteristics of the respondents.


The online questionnaire was set up on the 1ka platform, an open source application that provides services for online surveys. The platform was created by the Centre for Social Informatics, at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana.

The survey, which lasted between 6 to 8 minutes, was sent on the 19th of April 2021 at the five partners universities, namely, the University College of Enterprise and Administration, in Poland (Coordinator), Frederick University, in Cyprus, Technische Hochschule Deggendorf, in Germany, International School for Social and Business Studies, in Slovenia and Instituto Politecnico De Setubal, in Portugal. The universities in turn, sent the link of the questionnaire to PhD holders working in HEI in their country. Following the timetable of the Gantt-chart Project, the survey was closed on the 30th of June 2021.


Based on the project proposal, the plan was that 150 PhD holders employed at the HEIs of the five (5) countries should answer fully the questionnaire, which means we had to have at least 30 respondents from each organization. The target was achieved and by the 30th of the June 2021, all partners had at least 30 responds each.  Specifically, we know that the following recipients answered the questionnaire fully: 31 people from Cyprus, 51 from Germany, 52 from Poland, 81 from Portugal, and 42 from Slovenia-in total 257 respondents. Partially, 300 people answered the questionnaire.

On the basis of gained answers each partner has prepared his national report – based on responses from his country, and on the basis of all responses Cypriot partner has prepared main report.


Here you can find main report in English – long version (containing also national reports if English)


and short version – only main report.


Here you can find all language versions of main report:















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This project has been funded with the support from the European Commission (project no 2020-1-PL01-KA203-081549).

This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

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