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Internationalization is one of the most important challenges facing European higher education. By this term we understand not only the undertaking of studies by foreign students in various EU countries, but also the long and short-term employment of foreign scientific staff, the participation of scientists in international educational and research programs, conferences, trainings, publication of articles in international magazines, hosting foreign HEIs' staff. Internationalization also means acquiring and exchanging knowledge and experience. The international mobility and activity of university staff is one of the priorities of the European Commission's higher education modernisation agenda. The low level of internationalization of teaching staff in many EU countries is a big problem.

Researchers usually engage in activities that they initiate and which are part of their professional plans. However, internationalization activities of the HEI are also a number of activities carried out for the benefit of the institution and improving its position on the international arena - and with these activities the HEIs’ staff usually has a problem.

The main goal of the project is to increase the interest of European HEIs employees in participating in international activities implemented by their universities by developing a set of tools and guidelines dedicated to HEI staff.

Materials developed under the project will be directed to HEIs authorities on the one hand - giving them real and practical tips on how to motivate employees, and on the other hand materials will be dedicated to employees - helping them to overcome barriers that inhibit their participation in international universities. The content of the developed materials will be based on research conducted among HEI employees - thus they will be based on information obtained directly from the persons whom the project will concern, and thus will have real practical value that will contribute to their effectiveness.

The implementation of the project will help, on the one hand, identify the causes of the existing situation, on the other, develop tools that will allow better and more effective motivation of researchers to participate in internationalization activities carried out on behalf and for the given HEI.

We plan that the implementation of the project will improve the existing situation regarding the involvement of HEI employees in international activities at their institutions, which will directly translate into an increase in the international position and competitiveness of European HEIs.



It is planned that implementation of the InterAct project will contribute to:

  • Change of attitudes of HEIs employees toward participation in international activities in their universities. Thanks to receiving materials which will be an answer to their identified needs in this area, it is quite likely that at least some of HEIs employees will consider more active participation in international activities.

  • Encouraging HEIs employees to looking for opportunities develop their skills at the international arena. Helping them to change attitude toward active participation in international activities will be first step, next step will be equipping them with specific and practical tools instructing them how to do it and allowing them to overcome their barriers in this area. Having this, they will be more willing to think about professional development.

  • Increasing of knowledge about main reasons and obstacles preventing HEIs staff from active international activities. Research done under the project will be conducted directly among representatives of HEIs staff from different countries. Information gathered thanks to these research will then come directly from HEIs employees so will deliver valuable and realistic answers to questions about low participation of them in international activities.

  • Increase interest of HEIs authorities in further identification reasons of problems with active participation of their employees in international activities. Having access to information delivered directly from HEIs staff, HEIs authorities will gain knowledge needed to solve problems with low participation of their employees in international activities. With this knowledge these authorities will be able to act so that to change this situation. When these authorities notice that strategy of solving problems based on knowledge works, they will be interested in gaining more information

  • Increase of interest of HEIs authorities in looking for new solutions motivating their employees. Seeing that solutions proposed under the project work, HEIs authorities will be interested in looking for new ones so that to improve work of their universities.

  • Start international and national discussion about reasons of low participation of HEIs staff in international activities

  • Encourage HEIs authorities to discuss with their staff about planning international activities.

  • Establishing new partnerships, contacts and exchange of knowledge and experienced between HEIs authorities.

  • Increase number of HEIs employees involved in international activities thanks to development of specified and practical strategies for some HEIs taking part in project (strategies easy to be modified and adjusted to needs of other universities.

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This project has been funded with the support from the European Commission (project no 2020-1-PL01-KA203-081549).

This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

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