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Training organized for representatives of HEI authorities from countries taking part in the project.
Training last 5 working days and was held in the premises of Frederick University in Nikosia. All participants come 1 day before and left 1 day after so that to be present during whole 5 days of training.

Training was dedicated to authorities of universities from countries taking part in project, but also for any people working in the area or internationalization – international officers, head of departments dealing with decisions and recruiting of staff interested in taking part in international activities.

In total 22 people participated in training – 4 people who has planned to participate couldn’t have done it due to  some reasons (some for private ones, but some because of covid-19).
Training was dedicated to work on strategy of motivation of employees of given HEI to become more active in the international area. During each day, participants taking part in theoretical lectures about different aspects of internationalization and factors motivating staff to be internationally active. Second part was working in groups so that to prepare strategy for their own university. In working groups participants were analysing situation at their university, and on the basis of information received from O1, O2 and training – they were looking for solutions which could b
e incorporated in their university in order to increase level of international activities of their staff.

Each working group ended training with prepared, written strategy of motivation of their staff to become more internationally active. Strategies, together with training materials were uploaded into the project website and disseminated among other universities.

The purpose of the training was also to create opportunities for discussion and exchange of experiences between people working with the HEI staff. The training was an opportunity to compare the situation at different universities and in different countries. Participants discussed about the level of involvement of the scientific staff in international activities at their universities, about what motivates employees to such activity, which types of activities meet the greatest resistance of employees, which is the easiest to get them to, etc. As most of participants took part in preparation of O1 and/or O2, or read these outputs before training – they had a strong base to exchange experiences. They discussed about their own universities and about other universities in their countries.


 From the point of view of project team, training was opportunity to discuss about publication dedicated to HEIs authorities being prepared under the project. Training was organized when initial version of publication was ready, so participant had opportunity to give their opinion before final version is ready.


Prepared strategies







Some presentations from training


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This project has been funded with the support from the European Commission (project no 2020-1-PL01-KA203-081549).

This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

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