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International conference - Young Deaf people at the labour market

Online 28.05.2021

9.00-14.00 CET

Conference was a great opportunity to present our project to broader audience - as we gathered over 50 people from 8 countries. Our project team presented project idea, and our results. We also presented situation of young Deaf people in our countries - as our consortium gathers together people who actually work with young Deaf people and are familiar with their reality.

It was also great opportunity to compare situation of young Deaf people in Poland, Italy and Romania.

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International conference - Young Deaf people at the labour market

Online 28.05.2021

9.00-14.00 CET

On behalf of members of an international consortium implementing project "Be included! Deaf young people at the labour market", we kindly invite representatives of organizations working with and for Deaf people, universities, schools, students as well as entrepreneurs and representatives of local authorities to participate in an international conference aiming at presenting intellectual outputs developed within the project.

Conference will be also opportunity to present situation of Deaf young people in Poland, Italy, and Romania, as well as to discuss about solutions facilitating Deaf people in these countries entering the labour market

The Conference will be organized on-line and transmitted through MS Teams.

Conference will be held in English.

To sign in for the Conference, please will in registration form available via THIS LINK

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International training for young Deaf people. 17-21.05.2021


Unfortunately due to pandemic we couldn't organize this training face-to-face as it was initially planned. However training was very valuable anyway.

We gathered 3 groups of young Deaf people in 3 countries at the same time. With MS Teams platform, Sign language and English interpreters, great patience of accompanying persons and very well prepared training materials - WE DID IT.

And it was really great experience.

International online training for Career advisors 15-19.03.2021

It was really valuable time! During 5 days training we had a great opportunity to discuss about issues realted with Deaf young people - their culture, their way of seeing the world, methods of communication with them.

We also had an opportunity to exchange experiences, ask questions - as the trainers were people who actually work with young Deaf people.

International online training for Career advisors


If you are working with young people and would like to get some more information about working wiht Deaf young poeple this training is especially for you!


As one of our project events we are organizing online international training "Working with Deaf young people" dedicated to everyone who would wish to start work with Deaf poeple without necessity of learning Sign language!


Training will be held through MS Teams platform 15-19.03.2021! from 12.00 to 16.00 CET


Training will be held in English and will be free of charge!

Registration form

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Project meetings

Unfortunately due to pandemic we can't meet in person. However we are still working very hard and meeting online!

"True labour market" videos are ready

Set of interviews with Deaf  people working in hearing environment is finally ready. We have asked 5 people in eachof our countries about their work. We asked the if it was difficult to find job, if it was hard at the begiining, what is still most difficult for them etc. 

Videos are in Polish, Romanian and Italian Sign Languages - however we added English subtitles to each video so that to make it understandable also for hearing people from many different countries.

Videos can be found here

"Me and the labour market" videos are ready!

We are finally done with all 30 videos! Now you can see them here

We hope that these materials will be real and practial help for every young Deaf person who would wish to get more information about practical issues related with entering the labour market in Poland, Romania, and Italy.

Our first results are nearly ready!

We are really happy to inform you that finally, after months of really hard work our first intellectual output is almost ready! Very soon you will be able to see it on our You tube channel

30th October 2019

On 28.10.2019 Project Partners met for a third activity meeting in Iasi (Romania). The aim of the meeting was to present videos prepared by all Partners under O1, launch the work under O2, discuss details of training event that will be organized in Poland as well as discuss managerial issues connected with project implementation. Below we post some photos from working sessions.

10th May 2019

On 10.05.2019 Project Partners met for second activity meeting in Turin (Italy). The aim of the meeting was to present work done so far under O1 as well as discuss any administrative and managerial issues connected with project implementation. Below we present some photos from the meeting.

15th October 2018

On 15.10.2018 Project Partners met to formally initiate the project during kick-off meeting, that took place in University College of Enterprise and Administration in Lublin. The meeting was dedicated to discuss formal issues connected with project management as well as discuss intelectual outputs that will be produced within the project. Below short galery from the meeting.

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This project has been funded with the support from the European Commission (project no 2018-1-PL01-KA205-050303).

This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

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