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International conference - Young Deaf people at the labour market

Online 28.05.2021

9.00-14.00 CET

The Conference was organized on-line and transmitted through ZOOM Platform.

Conference was held in English.

Conference was a great opportunity to present project result to wider audience. We sent invitations to all of our partners with whom we cooperate on daily basis, and they also spread information about the conference to their partners. In total we gathered more than 50 participants from about 8 countries.

They could hear about the project idea, about our plans, and our work. We have also presented some of our project results.

But the conference was much more just than showing results of our work. 

Conference was great opportunity to discuss about situation of young Deaf people in our countries.

One of the points in our conference schedule was presentation of situation of young Deaf people in Poland, Romania, and Italy. We presented their culture, short history of their community, law status and law regulation, school system, system of support etc

We had a great opportunity to compare situation of young Deaf people in our countries and discuss about different solutions being used in our countries (e.g different school system with no special schools in Italy).

We also discusses what solutions are good for young Deaf people and should be used in more countries, and what could be good idea for next projects in the future.

This was also opportunity to ask practical questions about issues which  are interesting for people attending the conference.

We can say that the whole event was very fruitful.

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This project has been funded with the support from the European Commission (project no 2018-1-PL01-KA205-050303).

This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

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