International online training for young Deaf people
Training for young Deaf people was initially planned as a series of workshops taking place in Poland.
Unfortunately due to restrictions connected with covid-19 there was no possibility of organization of this event face-to-face.
It was big challenge but we decided to organize online training. We gathered groups of young Deaf people in our countries and conducted our training at the same time in all 3 countries, connecting via MS Teams.
Early enough group of trainers prepared training materials ready to be used by all 3 groups of Deaf people at the same time. Participants from all 3 groups worked independently, however communicated with each other during the training. it was possible thanks to participation of interpreters both English and sign languages. Maybe the interaction between participants was not so dynamic as during regular trainings (as sign language was a barrier), but it was really great experience for young participants to meet and talk to colleagues from different countries.
During the training we focused on practical issues related with entering labour market. Each day we presented 2 videos recorded as O1 and on the basis of topic of given video, participants were doing some exercises and discussing.
Questionnaires and feedback from our young participants showed us that such a training was very valuable for them and gave them some new perspective and new knowledge about the possibilities on the labour market which they have.