In Europe-28 there is about 500,000 deaf young people. Their career aspirations do not differ from hearing youngsters. However, the obstacles that they need to overcome so that to achieve their professional goals are much bigger. There is many tools helping young people to effectively enter the labour market. Unfortunately, all or most of the mainstream resources in this field, are not accessible to Deaf youth: texts do not meet their reading requirements, videos are not subtitled, examples, tools and other resources are inappropriate or inaccessible, mainstream support services, career counsellors, mentors, trainers have little or no experience with Deaf people.
Where is the problem?
Statistics show that for 80% of the deaf young people first and very often only completely accessible language is a sign language; their knowledge of the national spoken and written language is limited or non. And reality is that there is still no adequate language supporting system for them. Nowadays, we can observe many activities directed to young Deaf people, aimed at helping them to overcome language barriers. Unfortunately, most of these activities are focused on rehabilitation of Deaf young people (helping them to improve hearing abilities), teaching them the language of the country in which they live, or teaching hearing people sign language.
All of these activities are very helpful. But the Deaf young people, that we (and as it turned out – our partners as well) discussed with, have mentioned one thing that lead us to preparation of this project. They pointed out that communication barrier results in lack of information about how this “real” world of hearing working people looks like and how the real co-existing of hearing and Deaf people goes on daily basis. Most of us is afraid when we have to go to new school or job. Thoughts as “will I fit there?” “will I understand what I have to do?, “will they accept me?”, “will I manage to fulfil my duties?” – are much more concerning in the case of Deaf person.
The second thing that we were told is that Deaf young people want to enter “hearing” labour market, so they want to get to know its rules. They want to receive information about how to enter and function on this labour market – information adjusted to their needs but still based on information which their hearing colleagues receive while starting professional life. Our project is directed to young Deaf people, and to career counsellors who work or would wish to work with Deaf young people. We would also like our project to have influence on the people from the environment of young Deaf people and show them that it is worth to support Deaf person in his/her professional aspirations.
Project aims:
Change attitudes of young Deaf people, help them to believe. The main objective of our project is that they can have influence on their professional development and are able to overcome obstacles in order to function in every professional environment they choose to be part of.
Increase job-opportunities for young Deaf job-candidates in the regular job market.
Encourage young Deaf people to do their best to start independent work-life in regular job market.
Give young Deaf people tools helping them enter the labour market.
Help young Deaf people