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Main project activities and results

The project activities assume:

  • organization of 2 international conferences ”impact of the pandemic on university management methods” and ”remote education management

  • 4 open online lectures on the subject of methods and tools for university management and the organization of distance learning

  • 2 training visits of scientific and administrative staff of Bifrost University at the seat of WSPA, dedicated to teaching and administrative staff. the purpose of the visits will be to exchange knowledge and experience on various aspects of university functioning in the pandemic


Most important result of the project will be development of the ”crisis management” module for students of 2nd degree management.

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„Projekt: "Zarządzanie w czasie kryzysu" korzysta z dofinansowania o wartości 65 518,00 EUR otrzymanego od Islandii, Liechtensteinu i Norwegii w ramach Funduszy EOG. Celem projektu "Zarządzanie w czasie kryzysu" jest dopasowani eoferty edukacyjnej oraz sposobu zarządzania procesem dydaktycznym na uczelni do zmieniających się realiów nauczania związanych z koniecznościa funkcjonowania w sytuacji trwałego kryzysu” 

The project  "Management in time of crisis" benefits from a € 65,518.00 grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway under the EEA Grants. The aim of the project "Management in time of crisis" is to adjust the educational e-offer and the method of managing the didactic process at the university to the changing realities of teaching related to the need to function in a situation of a permanent crisis "
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