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7th March 2019

On 07.03.2019 Project Partners met to formally initiate the project during kick-off meeting, that took place in University College of Enterprise and Administration in Lublin. The meeting was dedicated to discuss formal issues connected with project management as well as discuss intelectual outputs that will be produced within the project. Below short galery from the meeting.

18th May 2019

Between 15th-17th May 2019 Slovenian Partner - International School for Social and Business Studies, organized an international conference MakeLearn & TIIM in Piran (220 participants from 30 countries). During the conference aims of our project were presentes. Below we present a couple of photos from the event.

3rd October 2019

Second meeting of Project Partners took place in Slovenia (Celje) on 3rd October 2019. The meeting was hosted and organized by Slovenian Partner - International School for Social and Business Studies. The aims of the meeting were:

  • to discuss work done so far under IO1 and present final concept of the output (moderated by Portuguese Partner)

  • to launch work under IO2 (the structure of work was presented by Slovenian Partner - Lead Partner for this IO)

  • to discuss managerial, administrative and financial issues

  • to plan 3rd Activity Meeting, which will take place in Portugal

  • to discuss in a less formal atmosphere and familiarise in person with Team members during working dinner

Below we present a couple of photos from the meeting

21st - 23rd November 2019

Portuguese Partner - Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal - presented results of researches done under O1 during 21st International Symposium on Computers in Education (SIIE) that was held in Tomar, Portugal. Below we present a poster about the project and the researches presented during the Symposium and a couple of photos.



This project has been funded with the support from the European Commission (project no 2018-1-PL01-KA203-050754).

This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

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