3rd - 4th February 2020
Third activity meeting took place in Setubal (Portugal). All Partners met in order to discuss the following topics:
summarize work done under Output 1 - final version was presented
discuss progress of work under Output 2 made by each Partner (modules development)
plan training event that will take place in Lublin (Poland) between 16th-20th March 2020
plan pilot testing that will be launched by each Partner institution (two types of testing) in the period March-June 2020
discuss changes to project application and familiarise with updated budget
plan dates of: meeting in Germany and evaluation conference in Poland
Below we present photo-gallery from the meeting.

20th April 2020
We are honoured to present the final version of intellectual output no 1 - Publication for academic teachers i Improve your teaching.

The publication is free.
It is avaliable via links (different language versions):
25th - 29th May 2020
Between 25th-29th May 2020 WSPA - Project Leader, organized pilot testing of materials developed within O2 - Course: Teaching of how to learn - through experimentation, experience and other methods activating students. The trainig gathered 26 academic teachers from WSPA. Training sessions were divided into 5 modules: Teaching how to learn - the role of these competences in future professional life; Shaping learning skills of students; Teaching / learning through problems, experiments and experiences; Educational project as a method integrating knowledge and didactic cooperation; Formative assessment as a strategy supporting student development and autonomy in the learning process. Feedback collected will serve as material for making improvements to developed materials.
June 2020
Our Slovenian Partner - International School for Social and Business Studies - participates in an international project - "JOVITAL – Jordan opportunity for virtual innovative teaching and learning", which aims at improving quality of teaching in Jordanian Higher Education Institutions by introducing innovative collaborative tools and methodologies and fostering academic international exchange. The project is complementary to Support System Project concerning using modern technologies and methodologies dedicated to improving quality of teaching and contributing to growth of teaching quality at HEI.
We recommend to check the website of the project and familiarise with its assumptions: https://jovital.eu/
24th - 26th July 2020
An online training event was organized via MS Teams software on Support System Erasmus+ Project Channel. Due to pandemic of COVID 19 Project Partners firstly had to postpone Training Event, which was primarily scheduled for 16th-20th March 2020 in Poland. The training was postponed for June (22nd-26th) but Partners together decided, that due to uncertain situation with COVID 19 as well as different rules and regulations concerning this situation in Poland, Slovenia, Germany and Portugal, the training would be organized on-line. Thanks to this decision more participants could attend - on-line training event gathered 47 academic teachers. The training was divided into 11 on-line sessions:
Session 1 - Introduction to the project and to the training
Sessions 2,3 - Intercultural entrepreneurship – how to include intercultural aspects in regular classes - presentation of materials developed by German Partner
Sessions 4,5 - Teaching creativity, innovation, critical thinking and teamwork skills - presentation of materials developed by Slovenian Partner
Sessions 6,7 - Using digital technologies in the process of teaching and learning - presentation of materials developed by Portuguese Partner
Sessions 8,9 - Teaching of how to learn - through experimentation, experience and other methods activating students - presentation of materials developed by Polish Partner
Sessions 10,11 - Summary discussions on developed materials
The aim of the training event was to present materials developed by all Partners within Output 2 and collect feedback from participants of the training in order to make improvements and amendments to developed courses.

10th September 2020
Consortium Partners are slightly coming to an end with pilot testing of materials developed within Intellectual Output no 2. Each Partner tested developed materials, the final works now are concentrated on making last improvements and amendments to the content and its translations into English language.
Meanwhile, Project Leader launched work on special website on which all materials developed within IO2 will be uploaded and available for free. The link to the website is: https://support.wspa.pl/
30th September 2020
University College of Enterprise and Administration in Lublin organized an international hybrid conference "Contemporary trends in management", which took place on-line and at WSPA on 29.09.2020. The Conference gathered around 100 academic teachers, entrepreneurs and HEI-connected stakeholders from Poland and Europe. During the Conference sessions dedicated to promotion of project, Publication developed under IO1 and courses developed under IO2 were organized. Participants had an opportunity to familiarise with project outputs and get more information about content of the courses. Presentation was done by Polish Research Team Member - Mrs Aleksandra Hoffmann-Wróblewska. The Conference was fully translated by sign language interpreter.

23rd - 24th October 2020
Project was presented at PIConf 2020, 23–24 October 2020
At PIConf 2020 on-line conference 23–24 October 2020 titled Online Education without Social Distance: Challenges for Internationalisation and Culture of Peace https://piconf.net/, organised by Pegaso international Malta. The project was presented at Projects presentation session and the logo was published in the proceeding (p 75), see conference proceeding https://piconf.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/proceedings-piconf-2020.pdf. More on the link - the gallery of all video records of all panels and sessions: https://piconf.net/gallery-archives/. The PIConf was promoted also in on TV Malta news https://www.tvm.com.mt/mt/news/l-edukazzjoni-fi-zmien-il-pandemija-kemm-hu-importanti-t-tahrig-onlajn/.

12th - 13th November 2020
Project HESS was presented at MIC international conference, 12 - 13 November 2020
At MIC2020 the project HESS was presented. The co-authors Valerij Dermol, Aleš Trunk, Slovenia, Jacek Lis, Poland and Anca Draghici, Romania prepared a paper on Teaching creativity, critical thinking, and teamwork in higher education, see conference book http://www.hippocampus.si/ISBN/978-961-293-025-7.pdf.
The 20th Management International Conference (MIC 2020) was organised as on-line event, 12 - 13 November 2020, http://www.mic.fm-kp.si/. The conference was organised by University of Primorska, Faculty of Management, Slovenia Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow School of Economics, Russian Federation. All together 134 papers were presented.