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21st February 2020


Between 20th-21st February 2020 Partners met for the first time within kick-off meeting, which was organized in University College of Enterprise and Administration headquarters (Lublin, Poland). During the meeting Partners:

- officially launched project activities

- discussed in details intellectual outputs, that will be developed within the project

- discussed project workplan and familiarised with managerial documents (Project Management and Financial Plan, Promotion Plan, Dissemination Plan)

- divided and planned work for upcoming months

Below we present gallery from the meeting


27th April 2020


An international research, conducted by all HEI Partners, came to an end. Partners lanuched 2 researches:

  1. Dedicated to students – it started on the 6th and finished on 24th of April 2020, 47 students with special needs from 3 partner countries and universities participated

  2. Dedicated to academic teachers - it started on the 1st and finished on 23rd of April 2020, 71 academic teachers from three partner countries participated


The researches aims were to familiarise more with needs of students with disabilities (concerning functioning at university) as well as examine knowledge of academic teachers in this field. Results of surveys collected in each partner country were put altogether into two reports, which will serve as a starting point for creation of publication witin IO1.



30th June 2020


Consortium members met on 29.06.2020 via MS Teams in order to discuss in details reports from conducted researches and settle the structure for publication which will be developed under IO1.


The publication will be developed together by all HEI partners (supported by Likejon as an expert, advisor and reviewer), its structure will contain the following topics:


Chapter 1 - Design of educational process dedicate to disabled Students (Slovenian HEI in charge)

Chapter 2 - Modern technologies and preparation of educational materials for disabled students (Polish HEI in charge)

Chapter 3 - Concentration, focus of students and knowledge verification (Cypriot HEI in charge)

Chapter 4 – Students with different types of disabilities (Polish HEI in charge)


The publication is estimated to have around 40-50 pages and to be delivered in autumn 2020 (October/November 2020)


23rd-24th October 2020


Project was presented at PIConf 2020, 23–24 October 2020

At PIConf 2020 on-line conference 23–24 October 2020 titled Online Education without Social Distance: Challenges for Internationalisation and Culture of Peace, organised by Pegaso international Malta.  The project was presented at Projects presentation session and the logo was published in the proceeding (p 75), see conference proceeding More on the link - the gallery of all video records of all panels and sessions: The PIConf was promoted also in on TV Malta news





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12th-13th November 2020


Project HESS was presented at MIC international conference, 12 - 13 November 2020

At MIC2020 the project HESS was presented. The co-authors Valerij Dermol, Aleš Trunk, Slovenia, Jacek Lis, Poland and Anca Draghici, Romania prepared a paper on Teaching creativity, critical thinking, and teamwork in higher education, see conference book

The 20th Management International Conference (MIC 2020) was organised as on-line event, 12 - 13 November 2020, The conference was organised by University of Primorska, Faculty of Management, Slovenia Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow School of Economics, Russian Federation. All together 134 papers were presented.


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January 2021​


Hereby we present final version of Intellectual Output no 1 - Publication dedicated to academics on how to teach disabled students with different disabilities. The publication is available on-line in English language. In first quarter of 2021 other language versions will be uploaded on this website (Polish, Slovenian, Greek). To get the publication please click on the image below.




Inclusive University 2021 Okladka-1.jpg

May 2021​


The information about the project, its outputs and activities that are being implemented in widely spread during events organized by Consortium members:


  • Kick-off meeting of the project: “Internationally active – professionally valuable” (2020-1-PL01-KA203-081549) – WSPA is a Lead Partner. The meeting was organized on-line (MS Teams) on 17.02.2021. The meeting gathered HEI representatives from: Portugal, Slovenia, Germany, Cyprus

  • Kick-off meeting of the project “Organize yourself! Time and self-management as a key to your success.,” (2020-1-PL01-KA226-HE-096055) – WSPA is a Lead Partner. The meeting was organized on-line (MS Teams) on 15.04.2021. The meeting gathered representatives of partner HEI from Germany and Cyprus as well as NGO representatives from: Poland, Portugal and Slovakia

  • International conference summarizing project “Be included – deaf young people at the labor market” (2018-1-PL01-KA205-050303) that took place on-line on 28.05.2021 via ZOOM and Facebook of WSPA. The event gathered around 50 participants via ZOOM as well as was viewed by 500 visitors on Facebook profile

  • Presentation "Responding to needs of disabled students in the light of COVID 19" was performed during Management, Knowledge and Learning International Conference 2021 (Organized by Slovenian Partner). In the presenation an example of Inclusive University project was presented. The abstract to the article is available HERE. Proceedings from the Conference are available via THIS LINK


June 2021​


Update on project activities


At the moment Consortium members are working on the content of IO2 and IO3. Summer time will be dedicated to development of the content (in accordance with work division), autumn will serve as time to launch pilot testing (done by each HEI), late autumn will be the time of launch of final versions.  


More information about the pilot testing will be announced in September 2021! 


Two-day training on how to collaborate with students with special needs and lead the learning process - 11 and 12 October 2021


ISSBS, Slovenia organised a two-day training for university staff and students on 11 and 12 October 2021. The main aim of the training was to encourage higher education institutions to develop such policies and strategies that will enable the successful inclusion of students with special needs in education.


The seminar on 11 October was about the inclusion of disabled students at university. The seminar on 12 October discussed the inclusion of students in society and how to support better social participation of disabled.

Inclusive universities ensure appropriate access to studies for the disabled and provide the support that enables students with disabilities to study successfully. It was stressed how meaningful the dialogue between students and teachers is, emphasising the importance of students' self-advocacy.


During the training, we hosted two students with special needs who presented their experiences during their studies. One student is from the University of Ljubljana, and one is from ISSBS, Celje. Both students managed to successfully complete their studies with their own strong will and the support of the faculty and their peers.


In the last decade, a lot of improvements have been made to make universities more inclusive. Several promising practices exist in this area, for example, tutoring system, counselling of students, authorised persons for students with special needs, modular training for academics, projects and initiatives in the area.


During the seminar, we also touched the topic of the transition from education to the labour market. This transition is often a big challenge for disabled students. Therefore, support shall be holistic and embedded in the system. One of the important steps in this direction is the project' transition of youth' that started in 2018 and is running all over Slovenia.  

At the event we also presented and promoted project results and materials.



October 2021


On Friday, 15th October 2021, International School for Social and Business Studies (Slovenia) has organised an event within Erasmus Days »International Erasmus+ project challenges and learning opportunities«, where Partner presented active international projects, their content, activities and objectives.

The online dissemination event has been attended by app. 25 ISSBS' students and 10 foreign participants.


The content and activities of our joint project »Inclusive University« have also been presented at the event, specifically the importance of inclusion of disabled students in university society, and project achievements so far.

Project has been presented by Valerij Dermol (ISSBS) and Nada Trunk Širca (ISSBS)


The project was also presented during the Conference "PIConf 2021 - Challenges for a Global Higher Education: Digitalisation, Open Science and Bioethics" (08/10/2021). The example of the project was given in the paper "Improving the position and performance of students with special needs at universities" (by Anica Novak Trunk, Valerij Dermol, Maja Burian - International School for Social and Business Studies. The abstract is available HERE



On 30th November an International Hybrid Conference "Situation of disabled students in higher education" took place. It was a promotion and dissemination event of the project. Participants have possibility to take part on-line (via ZOOM, two channels - Polish and English) as well as offline (at the premises of Lublin Conference Centre - LCK). 

During the Conference:

  • Project Manager presented project assumptions, main goals and activities within the project

  • Project Partners presented intellectual outputs that where developed within the project (who participate offline at the permises of LCK in Lublin, Poland)

  • A discussion pannel "Situation of disabled students in higher education in 21st century" was held

  • Participants of the Conference had also chance to familiarise with an international projects that WSPA currently implements


Below we present photo-gallery from the event.


Offline participants
Project Manager - Mr Jacek Lis
dr Valerij Dermol (SLO)
dr Petroula Mavrikiou (CYP)
Mrs Monika DrÄ…g, Project Specialist
Discussion panel



On the 1st December 2021 project Partners met for an evaluation meeting in order to discuss project achievements. The majority of participants took part offline (they arrived to Lublin), some members of Slovenian team participated on-line (MS Teams). During the meeting partners discussed about following issues:

  • Promotion and dissemination of the project and outputs produced within in

  • Finalizaiton of intellectual outputs 

  • Financial aspects and reporting

The meeting was the last, official gathering of participating institutions, however the cooperation does not finish as all members are involved in other projects that are implemented by WSPA (Organize Yourself and InterAct - financed within Erasmus+ Programme).


Below some photos from the meeting




Evaluation meeting 2
Evaluation meeting 3
Evaluation meeting 1
Erasmus plus.jpg

This project has been funded with the support from the European Commission (project no 2019-1-PL01-KA203-065243).

This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

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