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O1 - Publication

The first result developed under the project is finished already and is prepared in the form of publication addressed to young people as well as all people and institutions from the environment.
Result is finished and ready to be disseminated Publication consists 4 chapters:


  • Chapter 1. Exploring the value, identity and adaptability of local animators, how they play a fundamental role in communities. This chapter contains information about who is the local environment animator, what is role of this person, what job duties dose the animator have.

  • Chapter 2. Competences of Local Community Animators. This chapter contains main information about what abilities, knowledge and competencies does the animator need, European perspective on competences, list of ten competences of a Local Community Animator.

  • Chapter 3. Educational paths of a local community animator in selected European countries. This chapter contains information about importance of animators' education, Educational paths for animator in Poland, Educational paths for animators in Slovenia; Educational paths for animators in Slovakia, and Educational paths for animators in Italy the field of training tools and methods offered for people who would wish to work as an animator.

  • Chapter 4. Collection of good practices, tools and methods for the profession of local community animators. This chapter is a result of desk research  done in partners countries aimed at finding best practices in

Publication is available in online version in English at the website of the project. Publication is available in pdf but also in editable format so that any interested person may download and translate it into other languages.





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This project has been funded with the support from the European Commission (project no 2021-2-PL01-KA220-YOU-000050223).

This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

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